A harmony of aromas, a soft flavour enhanced by sweetness, a delicate acidity a rich body. Notes of tropical fruit accompanied by aromas of lime peel and jasmine flowers with an aftertaste of sweet liqueur.
**Gold Medal Winner**
The ¡Tierra! Colombia was awarded the gold medal at the International Coffee Tasting 2020, organised by the International Institute of Coffee Tasters. The judges work blindfolded to the highest standards of sensory analysis. All the information they provide are statistically validated. Only coffee that meets the requirements may receive a medal.
Gold Selection is composed of a fine selection of washed Arabica, hand-picked in the highlands of Central and South America, carefully blended with washed and semi washed Robusta - such as Kaapi Royale (India) and Java - and natural Arabica and contains notes of honey and almond. Suitable for espresso and available in single and double capsules.
Tierra Colombia is a sweet, aromatic espresso with a full body. The washed Colombian Arabica provides a delicate acidity and notes of tropical fruit accompanied by aromas of lime peel and jasmine flowers with an aftertaste of sweet liqueur.
A mild blend with a full flavour and velvety crema. A selection of the best coffees ensures a decaffeinated espresso with an intense and persistent flavour. The aromatic profile is carefully preserved during the natural process of decaffeination, which respects the true nature of the coffee beans and preserves the aroma strength and richness of the blend. The natural process of decaffeination is done through the carbon dioxide method.
Taste the sweet and sophisticated aroma of the cafes in the heart of Milan. A 100% Arabica blend with hints of honey and raisins.
The Galleria is a blend of Cereja Apassita and natural Brazilian Arabica, sourced from Rainforest Alliance-certified farms. This is a labor, environmental and conservation seal of approval for products from areas where rainforest grows. In doing so, we support coffee-producing communities and coffee plantations.
# **Discover the Tales of Italy collection**
An innovative collection, inspired by Italy’s most iconic coffee cities. The different flavours of the cities are reflected in unique blends. This series pays tribute to Italian coffee culture and takes coffee lovers on a journey to Rome, Venice, and Milan. Discover the refinement, artisanship, and passion that make every sip special. Buon viaggio! [More about this collection] (https://www.lavazza-belgie.be/en/horeca-tales-of-italy-collection)
A superior blend of Arabica beans from Lambari and Cereja Passita with aromas of caramel and hazelnut. Sustainably grown on Tierra coffee plantations in Central and South America, certified by the Rainforest Alliance seal of approval. Origin Arabica beans sourced from Tierra plantations in Brazil (Minas Gerais).
**Gold Medal Winner**
The ¡Tierra! Brasile 100% Arabica was awarded the gold medal at the International Coffee Tasting 2020, organised by the International Institute of Coffee Tasters. The judges work blindfolded to the highest standards of sensory analysis. All the information they provide are statistically validated. Only coffee that meets the requirements may receive a medal.
La Reserva de ¡Tierra Cuba! is a balanced espresso with a velvety body: a blend of Cuban washed Arabica and Robusta enriched with a 72-hour fermented Robusta. This creates delicate notes of almonds, cocoa and a sweet wine-like aftertaste.
**Coffee fermentation**
La Reserva de Tierra! Cuba is a balanced premium blend. A refined selection of washed Arabica and Robusta is combined with 72 hours of fermented Robusta. This pushes the boundaries of the final coffee taste in your cup. Fermentation is a natural reaction that takes place in pulped coffee beans combined with yeast.
**Traceable with Blockchain Technology**
La Reserva de ¡Tierra! Cuba is a coffee produced with the well-being of farmers, equality and preservation of our planet in mind. Through blockchain technology, you can track the coffee journey and our commitment to sustainability. One of the main reasons why blockchain and supply chain management go hand in hand is transparency. Every step in the supply process is visibly recorded for all to see, creating a transparent and reliable process. From coffee farmer to cup.
An excellent blend of beans with a rich, pleasant and enveloping flavour of dried fruits and spices. Aromas of dates and cinnamon, speculoos and freshly baked bread. Sustainably grown on RFA-certified coffee plantations. Origin Arabica from Cerrado, Mogiana and South Minas, Brazil. Washed Excelso Arabica from the Andes mountains in Colombia and Asian Robusta.
An excellent blend of beans with rich, pleasant and enveloping flavours of dried fruits and spices. Aromas of dates and cinnamon, speculoos and freshly baked bread. Sustainably grown on UTZ-certified coffee plantations. Origin Arabica from Cerrado, Mogiana and South Minas, Brazil. Washed Excelso Arabica from the Andes mountains in Colombia and Asian Robusta