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This is the perfect match between soft oolong tea and fruity, lovely natural wild orange flavour. That is why we love citrus so much – it’s bright, zesty and never fails to make us smile. And this refreshing, …
This is the perfect match between soft oolong tea and fruity, lovely natural wild orange flavour. That is why we love citrus so much – it’s bright, zesty and never fails to make us smile. And this refreshing, citrus-packed blend is no exception. it’s a delicious way to make your day shine with sweetness. Best of all, it steeps a beautiful vibrant little sunset right in your cup.
Meet T's ~ With a love for tea, T's strives to break the boundaries of traditional tea cultures and put a refreshing twist on the world of tea. With a lot of passion and love, T's share their tea knowledge with the world and take up the challenge to reinvent the underestimated tea leaf and make the tea experience more fun, accessible and innovative. More about T's,