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Do you want to experience a pretty awesome love story. It’s closer than you might think – you’re actually just a cup away. You start with a fresh, delicate mix of Jasmine tea and black tea. Then you sprinkle …
Do you want to experience a pretty awesome love story. It’s closer than you might think – you’re actually just a cup away. You start with a fresh, delicate mix of Jasmine tea and black tea. Then you sprinkle in a few rose petals for their sweet, floral perfume. Next, you add the unexpected aroma of some beautiful cardamoms. You sit back, relax, take a sip and enjoy the moment where rose meets her eternal love, jasmine.
Meet T's ~ With a love for tea, T's strives to break the boundaries of traditional tea cultures and put a refreshing twist on the world of tea. With a lot of passion and love, T's share their tea knowledge with the world and take up the challenge to reinvent the underestimated tea leaf and make the tea experience more fun, accessible and innovative. More about T's,