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In India, spiced chais are a big part of everyday life. Recipes vary from region to region and from household to household, with every family fiercely protecting their secret formulas. And after trying …
In India, spiced chais are a big part of everyday life. Recipes vary from region to region and from household to household, with every family fiercely protecting their secret formulas. And after trying dozens of different spice blends, we found the perfect, signature mix. A rich black tea base, blended in a spicy combo of cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves and pepper. A warm yet soothing T's Tea, delicious alone or with a dash of milk.
Meet T's ~ With a love for tea, T's strives to break the boundaries of traditional tea cultures and put a refreshing twist on the world of tea. With a lot of passion and love, T's share their tea knowledge with the world and take up the challenge to reinvent the underestimated tea leaf and make the tea experience more fun, accessible and innovative. More about T's,